Have you always wanted to have a go at the ancient craft of spinning? If so our club may be right for you! Come to the farm every Thursday evening for a chance to have a cup of tea and sit down and learn the art of making a sheep’s fleece into the wonderful material that we use so often in our lives. If you have never spun wool before you will sit down with our long-time resident spinners and learn the all-important craft.

How much does it cost?
There is no charge to be a spinner at Wellgate Farm although we do ask that you consider becoming a member of the farm through a yearly donation which allows to receive exclusive newsletters from the farm keeping you up to date with all the latest information!
What will I need to bring?
If possible and you have access to one please bring your own spinning wheel as we only have a couple and they are very expensive, if you also have any wool to bring please bring it as it can be used to make various items to be sold at farm events
Our spinners and knitting group demonstrate the ancient art of wool spinning using fleeces from our own sheep and produce an array of knitted goods.